Business and IT in perfect Harmony

Improve your success with tailor-made solutions that bridge the gap between your business requirements and tech performance. Partner with us and embark on a journey of innovation, reliability, and exceptional service quality.

Stacked pebble stones in pyramid shape.
Desktop with laptop, notepad and charts.

Business Services

We understand business is a balancing act between cost and performance. Draw on our experience in streamlining processes, project management and accounting to propel your operations to the next level.
Programming code.

IT Solutions

Are you just starting out or do you need an upgrade of your current environment? We offer solutions for many IT needs tailored to your organization. One specialty in our portfolio is building scalable platforms based on Drupal.
Railroad with two possible paths.


We offer all our services alternatively on a consulting basis with or without retainer. Let us help you prepare a solid foundation to make informed decisions geared for success.


What is Agia?

Agia is a trademark for the service offering provided by Bugg3D AB.

Why Business and IT?

We have found that an integrated approach to business solutions leads to reduced total costs and faster lead times compared to traditional methods.

Are the solutions secure?

Security always requires a multilayered approach tailored to the specific circumstances of your organization and is a core part of our working principles.

Why should we hire you?

We know this is the most important question you need answered. Therefore we suggest you give us a call to discuss the circumstances of your situation first and find out if we are a good fit for your needs.

What does your work process look like?

While the specific steps always are tailored to your organization our work process generally follows these 5 phases:

  1. Requirements discovery
  2. Project planning
  3. Solution preparation / Development
  4. Acceptance / Monitoring
  5. Follow up
Can you deliver multilingual solutions?

Yes, we currently offer our services in English, German and Swedish.

Tell us what we can help you with!